Wow! I can't believe it's been almost 2 months since I've posted. Time has flown by... It's amazing how caught up we can be in our daily lives. Travel, family obligations, work- It all conspires against us bloggers... Then there's the inevitable writer's block and procrastination bug (which has often bitten me!)...
On a personal note, I do have one other excuse- I'm 19 weeks pregnant! We are so very excited about Baby Newton. Next week we find out whether it's a boy or a girl... So much to look forward to. We will soon be a family of 3!

So, onto
Vintage Thingy Thursday... We've decorated for Christmas at Flotsam & Jetsam and have some wonderful antique and vintage accessories for the holidays. The colors are simply divine! The ornaments add such sparkle to the shop - I wish we could keep them out all year.

I've already sold a number of the older ornaments including several Santas and a multicolored pine cone... Really splendid treasures. But we still have beautiful leaf diecuts and 2 tinsel Santas waiting for that perfect home.

Hopefully dear friends I won't be absent this long again! I hope to see you at least once a week- Let's say that will be my goal to check in 4 times during the holiday season. And I do have one post planned for the unveiling of my Christmas window. So, ta-ta for now and see you again soon!