Speaking of ephemera, there's a blog I must mention- The Graphics Fairy. Find her at www.graphicsfairy.blogspot.com. She posts one fabulous image per day for free! Her archive is a great resource for those crafty individuals out there. I encourage you to visit Karen's site regularly for her wonderful images!
Today I thought I would share some views of my front foyer. I don't remember where I read this FANTASTIC idea, but I give great credit to it's creator. I lined the stairs with some of my favorite antique and vintage books. They look great! It's a wonderful way to decorate your banister and give a fresh look to your home. I'm a bibliophile so this idea is especially enchanting to me.
I also wanted to show the vignette I have alongside the book banisters. While working at Sparrows, I learned the importance of visual display. These yellow flower branches are perfect for creating a sophisticated yet cheery look. The large glass bottle was a gift from my Dad. I love this container and encourage you to find one for your floral arrangements. The painting to the left of the flowers is a favorite of mine. Purchased on time from Sparrows, it has certainly been a wise investment. The ducks and geese are wonderfully executed and the background is a peaceful representation of an idyllic countryside.
Other mementos, including vintage photos and old shoe forms, are scattered along the table top. Also arranged here are a few of my antique diaries. I started collecting these while employed at Osiris
Have a splendid weekend and be sure to find a little "flotsam and jetsam" for your own home!