I thought we all could use some laughs today with frigid temperatures and gray surroundings (although I must say it looks nice and sunny outside - What a farce! One trip to the mail box and icicles will form on your extremities!)...

But not to complain... Just to dream of sunshine and fruity beverages is enough for January.
So, I've been contemplating the future of my antiques business lately and have come to some conclusions: 1. I really don't know what I'm doing. 2. I hate change. 3. Did I mention I don't know what I'm doing?
After completing 2008 paperwork, I realize the need to evaluate my venues and overhead. There is definite potential for profit- I've just got to figure out exactly where and how. Here is my 2009 vision for Flotsam & Jetsam:
1. I'm going to restock my Etsy store & place new items in the shop every Thursday (starting 1/22).
2. Every Tuesday new pieces will be added to my Rubylane site (starting 1/20).
3. Having a booth at the DC Big Flea at the Summer and Fall shows.
4. Doing consignment with the fabulous Cynthia of Ornamentea and Panopolie (along with seasonal trunk shows)

I have decided to phase out my booths at Gresham Lake Antique Mall and SuzAnna's Antiques (by June, I'll be giving up my leases)... It's a really hard decision and a scary one but I think it will be best in the long run. But whose to say that I'm right? Like I said, I have no idea what I'm doing.
For all of you seasoned (and not so seasoned) proprietors out there, I'd love to have some feedback and thoughts on what I've shared today. What are your business plans and goals for 2009? And more importantly - Do you know what you're doing?