So, in honor of my new store, I'm going to give away this wonderful little bibelot! All you have to do is leave a comment on any post; I will choose a winner next Saturday, the 10th (it's the first day Flotsam & Jetsam is open~).
Good luck!

The detail on this Gothic style piece is meticulous – From the spires to the reticulated arches, the frame appears to be a little masterpiece. I've only seen one other icon like this and it was in poor condition.
On a side note, I've been quite disappointed with sales at the booth in Hagerstown. I'm just not sure if it's the right place for me. Either Raleigh was a hot market for my taste or people just aren't discovering my little space here. How long should one wait before moving to a new antique mall? Two months? One month? I don't want to jump the gun but I'm also concerned that wasted time is wasted money. What do you think?
felicity |fə lisətē|
noun ( pl. -ties)
intense happiness : domestic felicity.
Another fabulous find from abroad! Fine hand tooled French c. 1880 leather box with etched familial scene and original key. Felicity indeed …What a beautiful setting of domestic tranquility – And perhaps a bit of romance between the two adults? Who knows? The fine detailing of the etching is lovely and incredibly intricate from the tiny bows in the child’s hair to the wrinkles in the rug.
There is a fabulous time weathered "patina" to the box. The leather is worn and scuffed – However, I personally feel this only adds to its charm.
Find out more about this little box and other treasures at my online boutique ...
For now, I want to share a little something for Vintage Thingie Thursday hosted by The Coloradolady.
This wonderful treasure was found by my dear friend Laura of the Lady and the Librarian at the DC Big Flea in January. A mere $15 was all I had to pay for this fabulous piece of flapper history. This vintage powder puff is circa 1925 and is the epitome of the Jazz Age. Called a patter wand, it was probably more for show; however, other puffs were used not only for faces but for knees as well.
This is my first time posting for Thingy Thursday and I'm really looking forward to meeting new friends! Stay tuned for more Parisian flotsam and jetsam.
Also, for those of you who may be new to my blog (or have just wondered about the name of my business) here's a little vocabulary lesson:
flotsam |ˈflätsəm|
the wreckage of a ship or its cargo found floating on or washed up by the sea.
jetsam |ˈjetsəm|
unwanted material or goods that have been thrown overboard from a ship and washed ashore, esp. material that has been discarded to lighten the vessel.
Ta-ta for now~ See you for Postcard Friendship Friday!